All images are stored in the cloud and be accessible by adding the SKU to the following string: {INSERT SKU HERE} followed by the text ".jpg"

Say for example product 8791820722 did not import with an image. If you add 8791820722 to the end of followed by the text ".jpg" you will get the image URL: Try it for yourself by replacing the SKU in the example URL with any other League License SKU in the image URL!

Then, to update the image in your Bigcommerce website, find the product you would like to update > Edit a Product > Images & Videos > Use images from the web and insert the URL in the first available empty field.

PRO TIP: Alternatively, if you are skilled at using a CSV file to upload, you can fix the images for all products missing images by importing a CSV file. First, export your products from Bigcommerce, then sort the spreadsheet by the column named "Product Image File - 1". Then delete the rows of products that display content in this column (example content: a/958/141957607383351.jpg). After you delete the rows that had content in the Product Image File - 1 column, you are left with the products that do not have content in this field. These are the products without images. Insert two new columns in your spreadsheet, one column for the start of the URL string ( and one column for the end of the string (.jpg). You can then create the above mentioned string in each row using a formula that connects the cells with the proper content (example formula =B2&D2&F2 - where B2 =, D2 = stock code, F2 = .jpg). When finished, highlight the Product Image File - 1 column, Copy and Paste Special Values to get rid of the formula. Then import your spreadsheet to Bigcommerce. Note: we recommend deleting all columns except the required columns for this import (Product ID, Product Name, Category, Product Image File - 1).