Once you've installed the app into your store (click here to install on Bigcommerce), go to Apps and click on League License.

To import products, open the app in your store (in Bigcommerce, it should show up under "My Apps"), click on the Products tab and then click the "Add" button.

This will open a new window where you can add products one at a time or by an entire team or all products by a certain type. Example: If you want to add an entire team's products, go to Add by Team > click on a team and look for the text "Import All Products From - {Team Name Is Displayed Here}". When you click on this text it will import all products for that team (depending on the team this could take several minutes). 

Please add one team at a time and wait until the team you've selected has fully imported before adding another team. Use the following link to ensure all SKUs have successfully imported https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1J_T8Ee9s2UekKKDCNPsbrOurs0tyW4gAGkdZBZNCOf0/edit?usp=sharing

PRO TIP: When you import products new categories will be created in your store. The categories "League License Products", "Add By Teams", "League Categories", "Team Categories" will be created in your store as you add products. We recommend leaving these categories in your store but making them NOT VISIBLE In Menu. Then, create your own categories (example: Create a "Search by Teams" category & within the "Search by Teams" category, create an "NFL" category). Then, when you add import an NFL team to your website, it will first show up in League License Products / Add By Teams / NFL / Team Name. Then you can move the entire team category (including the products within) to the Search by Teams / NFL category you created. This helps you keep track of what you've added to your website.

Here are some helpful images showing how to add all products by team:


I'm getting an error message: If you get any error messages or the products do not appear in your store, please wait 48 hours before attempting to add the same products again.

It doesn't seem like the products in imported: Sometimes, when you add several teams consecutively, without allowing time between imports, League License will create a category for some of the teams but not add all products to that category. If this happens you will need to import products for that team again.

Can I import the same product more than once? If you imported a product, have not removed it from your store and attempt to import the product again, you will get a message that says you already have this product in your store. This prevents duplicates.