If you are getting an error when working with products saying something similar to "the products must have a UPC/GTIN of 12-13 numbers",  the problem you are experiencing might be related to UPCs or GTINs having quotes around them or they are simply incorrect. An example UPC/GTIN with quotes would look like this: "023245462938". Suppliers sometimes put quotes around the UPCs/GTINs to protect leading zeros from getting cut off during importing (for example, without the quotes the before mentioned 12-digit UPC/GTIN 023245462938 could easily end up as an 11-digit UPC 23245462938 in your store. UPCs and GTINs generally need to be at least 12 digits.) Sometimes, when editing products, UPCs/GTINs have been corrupted with a bunch of zeros. Example: UPC "686699859497" becomes UPC "686690000000". Finally, the UPC might be missing entirely from the product. If you see an incorrect or missing UPC, please send an email with the SKU number to support@leaguelicense.com so we can notify the supplier of the issue.

The UPC/GTIN field is not a required field for League License and you can edit this field however you like. If you would like to update the UPC/GTIN field, you can edit them very easily one of two ways:

  1. Edit the UPC/GTIN for each item in your store one product at a time using the product editor, or
  2. Export the products from your store you'd like to edit, find and replace the products with UPCs/GTINs that are erroneous or missing in your spreadsheet and upload the products back into your store as a product update (be careful not to add them as new products to prevent duplicates). If you do this, you have to be mindful of protecting the leading zeros or you might experience the same problem you are having today after you import the products back into your store. The export/import method is for experienced users only. Use our UPC/GTIN file to help fix the issue.